From the essence of ECO Project we are determined to make our website available to the greatest number of persons. For that, we are working on adapting it to the accessibility standards issued by Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

We have tried to get an intuitive navigation for the design and structure by applying a consistent design for all the pages of our site, each following the same framework. Our goal is to create a site that can be navigated by as many users as possible.

You can send your comments, problems and/or suggestions about this website accessibility to


How to activate the accesskey

  • Chrome (Windows): Alt + accesskey
    Chrome (Mac): Ctrl + Alt + accesskey
  • Firefox (Windows): Alt + shift + accesskey
    Firefox (Mac): Ctrl + accesskey
  • Safari (Mac): Ctrl + Alt + accesskey
    Safari (Windows): Alt + accesskey
  • Internet Explorer (Windows): Alt + accesskey

Additional documentation